University Park Elementary

Jog-A-Thon - Canceled

April 28


This event is no longer active. Please contact your school or submit a support ticket using the "Click For Help" button on the bottom of this page.

Welcome to University Park Elementary's Jog-A-Thon - Canceled page. We are raising money for Library Center Renovation, Art Enrichment, Walk Through History, Assemblies, Lunchtime Activities, Holiday Parties, Campus Improvement Projects, Classroom Supplies, Educational Tools, Kids Run the OC and the Family Fun Festival.

To complete your registration for this event, please click on "Not Registered For This Event?". If you have already registered, sign in under "Already Registered?". If you are a returning family from a previous event, you will need to register for this event separately.

Leader Board



10 emails Foldable Glasses

10 Requests

Free Kids Meal


Popsicle Party Invite and Homework Pass


Dunk Tank Mrs. DALEY


Light up Saber
